May 182009
Speaker: Frederic Choi, Chief Inspector of Police, Research Centre, Hong Kong Police College
The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) operates with a workforce of 27,840 disciplined officers and 4,775 civilian officers. As the largest government department and the only police agency in Hong Kong, there is a wealth
of knowledge available to the HKPF. Determined to unleash the potential of knowledge management, the HKPF launched KM as one of the key strategic action plans in 2001, with the establishment of a phase-by-phase implementation approach.
In this talk, Frederic Choi shared with us the KM journey of the HKPF, covering the major milestones, development framework, challenges encountered and highlighted how the HKPF has been using KM to be part of the life of every Force member.