Feb 242010

Presenter : Dr. Brian J. Garner, Emeritus Professor and CEO-Knowledge Networks Pty. Ltd.

Business and Governments, including University Communities, are demanding greater rethink on their investments in Education and Retraining, given the pressures for improved productivity, innovation skills and Self-directed Learning/Empowerment for Professional s and Entrepreneurs!

The problem is accentuated by demographic trends, by the growth of E-Learning in response to the Global retraining imperative, and most importantly, by expectations of managerial innovation and leadership in diverse business cultures, including the ability to incubate new ideas of entrepreneurs/SMEs.

The failure of Self-Regulation in Financial Services despite the introduction of  Sarbanes-Oxley control requirements-Section 404- in the USA (2002), in particular, has refocused attention on Corporate Compliance processes and the transformational leadership initiatives required of Audit Committees and CIOs. The current focus is to improve Regulatory structures and to embed risk management processes within a Governance structure that incorporates novel innovations in knowledge management.

This presentation on the Transformational Leadership imperative for Compliance Education presents a new Framework for Compliance Risk Analysis and educational effectiveness, based on:

  • Event propagation scenarios
  • Embedded Virtual Services, and
  • Adaptive Case Based Reasoning (CBR)

In summary, while the complexity of Compliance Dynamics (in all Domains) is the overarching issue, identification of solutions is now in prospect, and a major application in Financial Services currently under development will be provided!