Jan 262013

Looking at the practical experience of organizations pursuing Knowledge Management (KM), it is found that their efforts are primarily focused on creating the conditions and the context that will enable knowledge creation & innovation. This seminar proposes an integrated-view of KM – the “SETR Framework” – with special focus on the domains of knowledge creation, innovation and enabling contexts.

The SETR Framework reconciles multifaceted KM initiatives in a set of four interconnected arenas, i.e.:

  1. Strategy
  2. Execution
  3. Tools and 
  4. Results. 

Examples will be drawn from the speaker’s extensive research on KM and innovation in world-class organizations based in Brazil along the past decade.

Dr Rivadavia C. Drummond de Alvarenga Neto’s bio can be found below.

The event is free for HKKMS members and $200 for non-members..

Date and time : Monday 4th February 2013  (6.30pm – 8.00 pm)

Venue: HKGCC Conference Room , 22/F, United Centre 95 Queensway (Admiralty MTR Station)

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