We switch gears from the world of Artificial Intelligence and KM , to the convergence of Library Sciences and the Semantic web, and from a leading
researcher from the US to a European who founded what is now Europe’s
largest Conference on KM, attracting more than 500 participants.
The next meeting will be a joint HKKMS/KMRC event and will be held next
Thursday 18 August in our usual venue, Conference Room 1, 22/F, United
Centre 95 Queensway (Admiralty MTR Station).
We are delighted to be able to schedule a couple of hours of Professor
Tochtermann’s time on his brief visit to Hong Kong, and hope many of you
will be able to attend the meeting. Full details including registration
procedures are included in the following PDF document.
Leaflet0818-Library Science & KT (Klaus Tochtermann)